Across the Expanse: Day 6

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Day 6

*Start transmission*

Havardy: Happy Colonization Day.

Lee: For which planet?

Havardy: I dunno, Genos Prime maybe? There’s bound to be one planet out there celebrating it today.

Lee: You really have a lot of holidays don't you?

Havardy: Bored people tend to celebrate the most mundane things, brightens up their life a little.

Lee: I guess that's true, can't blame you for doing it at least.

Havardy: Exactly.

Lee: So how are you celebrating the holiday?

Havardy: I decided to splurge a little and eat an extra ration.

Lee: Chili or Pasta?

Havardy: Please, what kind of woman do you take me for? Beef Stroganoff.

Lee: We have those?

Havardy: Only when you're bored enough to peruse the entire menu. Requisitions thought I was joking when I first requested it.

Lee: I thought you were joking.

Havardy: Well I’m not, this stuff is delicious. Nothing compared to a home cooked meal though.

Lee: Yeah, a fresh cooked meal would sound great right now. I do have a kitchen, maybe I should start requesting fresh ingredients.

Havardy: Lucky, all I got is a rehydrator and a heater. Not that it really matters, I can’t really cook anyways.

Lee: I can cook a few basic recipes, nothing fancy though.

Havardy: Drat, and here I was about to request that you cook me a three course meal.

Lee: My apologies.

Havardy: Don’t sweat it. What are you doing anyways?

Lee: You that whole not having a degree issue on my dossier?

Havardy: What about… you aren’t.

Lee: I am, going through some class materials on my PA right now.

Havardy: What class?

Lee: History.

Havardy: *Groans* I’d rather wander around the Expanse for days than take another History class.

Lee: That’s a sentiment I can agree with. Some of this info is just so tedious.

Havardy: Yeah, I mean who the hell needs to know what happened in 2050? That was hundreds of years ago!

Lee: “To learn from history is to learn from our mistakes. Without looking into the past we cannot hope to build our future.”

Havardy: How philosophical.

Lee: I guess, it was at the top of the professor’s syllabus.

Havardy: Sounds like a total cheese ball.

Lee: Oh he’s quite the slice of cheddar for sure.

Havardy: I prefer the Gouda type myself.

Lee: Nutty, but sweet at the same time?

Havardy: That’s the one. You should have seen this Chemistry professor I had back at the Academy. She about blew the classroom up every other lab.

Lee: And they let her keep her job?

Havardy: For as long as I was there at least. Apparently she was huge in the weapons division of R&D, which would explain the explosions I guess.

Lee: ...the Academy sounds like a safe place.

Havardy: Eh, it had its moments, but it was pretty boring most of the time. Better than studying on some rock in the middle of nowhere. So yeah… sucks to be you.

Lee: Thanks for that.

Havardy: Don’t mention it.

Lee: Anyways I’m gonna get back to studying, there is a lot I gotta memorize here.

Havardy: Ech, have fun.

Lee: As much as I can. Have a happy Colonization Day.

Havardy: Already on it, I’m sure there’s a ration that kind of like a cake somewhere…

*End Transmission*

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