Across the Expanse: Day 4
*Start transmission*
Havardy: So Lee, where are you from?
Lee: Atropos.
Havardy: Ah, one of the capital planets huh? I'm a
Fringes-born myself.
Lee: Genos Prime right?
Havardy: How do you know that?
Lee: It's on your dossier. Should be right… Ah here
we go: Amelia Havardy. Age: 24, Height: 170 cm, Weight-
Havardy: Alright alright, I get it. Completely forgot
about those things. Let me take a… Oh, hey you're pretty cute.
Lee: Excuse me?
Havardy: You're cute. Don't take it to heart, it's just
an observation. Or does that rustle your jimmies?
Lee: No, just caught me off guard is all.
Havardy: Good. For the record, you call me cute I'll kick
your ass.
Lee: ...what would you prefer then?
Havardy: Gorgeous, knuckle-biting beautiful, and hot
enough for a Naga to sweat their scales off.
Lee: Right…
Havardy: Anyways, let’s see… your first name is James?
Mind if I call you Jim?
Lee: I don't see why not.
Havardy: Right then Jim, I wonder what other dirt this
has on you…Age: 22, 185cm *clicks her teeth*... wait, that can't be right.
Lee: What do you mean?
Havardy: It says here you were in Infantry.
Lee: With the 401st, yeah.
Havardy: Yeah but you were enlisted, a petty officer.
Lee: I got promoted.
Havardy: Funny, I thought you needed to graduate from the
Academy in order to become an officer. It says here you don't have a degree.
Lee: There were… Circumstances that gave me this
Havardy: You mean the honor and privilege to look at
absolutely nothing for the next nine months?
Lee: Yes.
Havardy: Riiiiiiiight. Well if you don't want to talk
about it that's fine by me.
Lee: Understood.
Havardy: It says here that you have a sister, and that
your father is… a dance instructor?
Lee: Uhhhhh, yeah, yeah he was.
Havardy: Pfffffft hahahahaha. Sorry, sorry, it's just
hard to see. He teach you some of his moves?
Lee: ...yeah.
Havardy: Oh really sweetfeet? You’re gonna have to show
me some moves.
Lee: Now?
Havardy: No not now. Does it look like I’m in front of
Lee: Ah.
Havardy: And your mother… oh, oh I’m sorry.
Lee: It’s alright, happened a long time ago.
Havardy: Is that why you joined the military?
Lee: I joined because I couldn’t seen myself doing
anything else. My mother has nothing to do with it.
Havardy: Right… right. So, your sister, what does she do?
Lee: Studying to be a doctor, she got the brains in
the family.
Havardy: Oh, good...good.
Lee: ...
Havardy: …
Lee: Your dossier mentioned you have a brother. What
does he do?
Havardy: Going to the Academy, he keeps telling me he
wants to be a pilot.
Lee: Just like his sister.
Havardy: Psh, my wings have been clipped. They even went
as far as to station me in the next to a position with a shuttle, just to let
it sink in.
Lee: Well Lieutenant Gomez let you fly it didn’t he?
Havardy: He did, but he was also plastered off his ass
and a few days later he was gone. Then you showed up. I’m thinking it wasn’t a
coincidence. So if you were thinking of offering, thank you, but don’t worry
about it.
Lee: ...understood.
Havardy: Anyways, I’m gonna take a catnap, talk to you
later Jim.
Lee: Likewise ma’am.
Right, sorry. Talk to you later Amy.
*End transmission*
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