Across the Expanse: Day 82

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Day 82

Amy: Alright Jim, you ready?

Jim: Ready as I’ll ever be. What path should we take Wraith?

Wraith: This one has uploaded a path to the reactor to your HUD. Insert the master key into the reactor controls and the facility should have its functions restored.

Amy: Mind telling us what this facility is?

Wraith: It appears that this facility is a science lab.

Jim: Science lab? You already have one of those on board the ship right?

Wraith: Correct, but this facility is much larger than the one the ship posesses.

Amy: Well I mean yeah, that’s obvious, but the question is how they even managed to build as structure like this out here.

Wraith: It appears that the large amount of this vessel’s inventory was used in the making of this facility. Most of that inventory was located in the Hangar.

Amy: Explains why it was so barren… but wait, why weren’t there any ships located in the hangar then? They’d probably need that to transport the materials right?

Wraith: Correct, but this one is not detecting any vessels in the science lab.

Amy: Damn, looks like I’ll have to look around in the Expanse some more after we’re done here.

Jim: Well yeah, would be much to expect to find a ship underground don’t you think?

Amy: A girl can dream right?

Jim: Eh, who know, we could find something pretty awesome in here.

Amy: Or something really creepy, abandoned science lab underground is practically a breeding ground for creepiness.

Jim: Way to be a spoilsport.

Amy: Now you know how it feels.

Jim: *Sigh* Lets just get going.

Amy: Alright, we’re at the reactor room, which wasn’t that hard to find all things considered.

Jim:  Yeah, looks like these electric free energy wires are all connected to the reactor, which led us right to it even if we didn’t have the map.

Amy: Looks like these are the reactor controls, inserting the key and…

Let there be light.

Jim: This is the second time I’ve looked at a reactor power up and man… it still looks awesome.

Amy: First time here, definitely is pretty, what powers this anyways?

Wraith: The reaction to that ignites the reactor is derived from a fusion reaction. Beyond that, the reactor manipulates free energy and creates a hard energy construct that maintains a continuous stream of power throughout the facility. The use of hard energy constructs ensures maximum efficiency and recycles the energy used in each process to ensure the facility is self sustaining.

Jim: So wait, it starts the reaction and then just recycles the power?

Wraith: Correct, as long as there is enough free energy within the environment the reactor recycles that energy in order to maintain the facility, for much larger uses of power the reactor does generate additional energy,  but it is rare when such measures are necessary in a facility such as this. Much larger uses, like a large dreadnought, require much more power and the reactors located in those vessels continuously generate power.

Amy: Makes sense, kind of similar to how our reactors have sub reactors for any waste generated during their fusion reactions. Except I think this one is more efficient than hours.

Wraith: Correct, where your reactors may last a century, Faar’Shar reactors last around a millenia. This one must say, however, that Coalition made reactors are capable of generating as much power as a Faar’Shar reactor.

Jim: Yeah well I think the current design came like fifty years ago, so we’re getting there, slowly.

Wraith: This one has compared the developmental rate of the Faar’Shar to Humans for a while and has observed an accelerated rate of development among humans compared to Faar’Shar.

Jim: Probably has something to do with our lifespans. I imagine when you live a 150 or so years instead of thousands you kind of want to do some stuff with your life with what little time you have.

Wraith: This one sees…

Amy: Anyways, we got a facility to look at, ready to go exploring Jim?

Jim: Yeah, Wraith, same thing as back at the ship, let us know what something is when we find it.

Wraith: Acknowledged.

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