Across the Expanse: Day 69

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Day 69

Wraith: Is it just you today Lieutenant?

Amy: Yeah, wait, I never mentioned my rank to you.

Wraith: This one has been monitoring your communications over the last few days, only the Ensign seems to refer to you by your actual name.

Amy: Well that’s not creepy at all…

Wraith: Would you prefer if this one does not do such things?
Amy: Well obviously, you’d think you know that with the Faar’Shar being so private themselves.

Wraith: Apologies, this one was just curious to see the current state of the Galaxy.

Amy: Please, by all means look up some news or something but stay out of my coms.

Wraith: Understood.


Wraith: Something wrong Lieutenant?

Amy: Just call me Amy, and just taking a moment to go over what you could have possibly seen.

Wraith: Beyond your communications with Ensign Lee and Requisitions, as well as your book collection, and…

Amy: Ok ok, jeez you saw everything didn’t you?

Wraith: Correct.

Amy: Talk about laying everything bare…

Wraith: This one must say your private writing is of similar quality to the novels you read.

Amy: Well now it’s time to go back and delete everything.

Wraith: You have nothing to fear, this one shall keep this information private from Ensign Lee. One of your characters bears a remarkable sim-

Amy: That’s it, next time I’m just writing this all down on a notebook.

Wraith: A shame, this one finds your writing thoroughly entertaining.

Amy: Really… I can’t see AI being into pulp novels.

Wraith: Consider it a curiosity. Human forms of art are vastly different than Faar’Shar.

Amy: Plenty of variation to go around here… you should hear a Nereid sing, its beautiful.

Wraith: Interesting… it appears there is far more variation to this galaxy.

Amy:  We got all kinds here. The Coalition’s got a live and let live culture going on so we get along pretty well.

Wraith: This one sees… but you are not the dominant force in the Galaxy, correct?

Amy: No, we’re about even with the Legion over in the Cruxis Systems, and given that we have the Fractus and Poros systems between us and them we tend to not mingle much.

Wraith: But from your coms it seems as if the Coalition and Empire have frequent skirmishes in the Fractus systems.

Amy: Ah our oh so necessary shadow war out in no man’s land. Yeah, there is that, its the general populace of the two systems that don’t really meet much. Unless you’re doing business in the Poros systems of course.

Wraith: Searching… that serves as a mercantile sector correct?

Amy: Yeah, I mean the Coalition has its own resources and you can make a decent enough living in our little part of the galaxy, but if you really want to make some cash the Poros Systems are where it’s at.

Wraith: Interesting, this one wonders why no one has tried to take such wealth for themselves.

Amy: Poros is kind of a wildcard to be honest. The Thulu’s that run the place can be the nicest guys around or the most terrifying, and there is so much backroom dealing and contracts going on there that it's pretty easy to bring the whole place against you from smack talking the wrong person. It does no harm so we just kind of leave it alone.

Wraith: This one assumes the same applies to the Faar’Shar?

Amy: Well the Coalition has tried talking to them from time to time but they just kinda ignore us. The Legion though… they tried taking over them by force, and that didn’t end well.

Wraith: Searching… Ah… This one sees.

Amy: Yeah, don’t know how they managed to turn a planet into a death laser but they did it.

Wraith: Such technology was common in Andromeda, yes.

Amy: What you mean you just had planets shooting at each other and everything?

Wraith: Correct.

Amy: ...Andromeda sounds like a scary place.

Wraith: Perhaps, though it seems there is always conflict, no matter what Galaxy you’re in.

Amy: Tell me about it… anyways it was good talking to you Wraith, I’ve gotta get back and actually get some work done. Can’t have the brass jumping down my throat with you floating here and all.

Wraith: Have a pleasant day Amy.

Amy: Same to you.

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