Across the Expanse: Day 61

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Day 61

Amy: Alright… let’s get this rigged up.

Jim: Yeah, by the way I figured out what the pirates were hiding in those files.

Amy: They were actually hiding something?

Jim: Yeah, though I kinda figured that out a bit late.

Amy: I’ll say, better late than never though, what did you figure out?

Jim: It was kinda silly really, they hid a message in the filenames. Some of them were oddly capitalized, spelled out a basic message. There are Timeless Ones on this moon, and their tech could have gotten them some big money.

Amy: How… crude.

Jim: Smart though, no one would really think to look through a bunch of porn. No one except some bored officer stuck on some rock in space.

Amy: A fat load of good that did, I found this before you even figured it out.

Jim: … this is true, but there are still some more stuff to sift through, may find something new.

Amy: I mean if you want to use that as your excuse then sure.

Jim: I said, this requires further looking into, what’s the status on the line?

Amy: Almost at the bottom, this is a hell of a drop.

Jim: I’ll head down first then.

Amy: And why is that?

Jim: Because I’m the only one with some infantry combat experience behind his belt?

Amy: ...makes sense, let me just shine a light… whoa.

Jim: Wha- whoa.

Amy: This thing is HUGE! How the hell are we supposed to navigate any of this?

Jim: Think we should call this in?

Amy: ...not right now, I think we deserve to explore this thing a little bit before we let the Coalition in on this.

Jim: I’m assuming that this is from sort of curiosity instead other motives?

Amy: What are you saying?

Jim: I’m saying that Faar’ Shar tech would fetch quite the price over at the Negal Systems.

Amy: You’re the one bringing it up you know. I just don’t want to spend the next few days being told to not touch anything here just for the government to block us off from looking at the place.

Jim: They could also just send us off somewhere else just so we don’t interfere, so we could have a chance to get off this rock.

Amy: ...tempting, but nah, I don’t owe them anything. I say we take a look at this shit then call it in.

Jim: Whatever you say, now hand me the line.

*Start Transmission*

Amy: So how’s it looking down there?

Jim: Beautiful, looks like a fusion between some kind of hard light and really crisp architecture. Like something straight from those old sci-fi novels.

Amy: You sure those constructs aren’t just light?

Jim: I’m picking up different levels of heat for each construct which seems to correspond with their color, looks like mosts of these contrustructs are for simple illumination. Others are generating a lot of heat, and are running along the walls like wires, so I maybe those are energy conductors for the ship?

Amy: Well whatever is supposed to be generating light  is doing a shit job. I can barely spot anything from up here. It's like dots with no glow.

Jim: Maybe it’s because the ship is inert? I dunno I’m just spitballing right now.

Amy: Either way it doesn’t look like this hole is gonna seal itself up any time soon. I’m just wondering why it opened up here to a massive drop.

Jim: Probably because the ship is sideways, everything looks kinda lopsided.

Amy: Joy, that’s gonna be fun to work with.

Jim: Eh, gotta start somewhere. You coming down?

Amy: Yeah, on my way already.

*End Transmission*

Amy: *Whistle* Damn, this is impressive.

Jim: Yeah, looks like we’re in some sort of central hub.

Amy: Think any of these doors will open?

Jim: Tried all of them, none of them work. I think I found something like a ventilation system though, maybe we can crawl through that.

Amy: Great, tight spaces, my favorite.

Jim: Never took you for claustrophobic.

Amy: I just don’t like feeling constricted, why do you think I like flying so much? Anyways I say we spend today just looking over this room and whatever the vents take us to. Tomorrow we’ll figure out a plan on how we’re gonna explore this thing. Sound good?

Jim: Fine by me, better to be cautious about this anyways.

Amy: Right, then let’s get cracking.

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