Across the Expanse: Day 59

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Day 59

*Start Transmission*

Amy: Jim.


Amy: Jim!

Jim: Huh? What? It’s like midnight already.

Amy: You know that egg? Well, it’s moving.

Jim: Moving, where to?

Amy: Well it’s stuck at the door, just kinda hitting it over and over again. Combine that with the strobing and its giving me a hell of a time.

Jim: Sounds fun, but it’s not like you can follow it out anywhere. Unless you want to freeze to death.

Amy: Yeah I gotcha, still, wonder where it want’s to go?

Jim: Maybe there was something we were missing over where you found it?

Amy: Could be, or maybe it's somewhere else entirely. There is a lot of ground to cover in the Expanse, could take a bit following this this.

Jim: Why not put it on like a dish or something with a bowl over it?

Amy: You know.. That’d work, a lot like a compass.

Jim: Yeah, follow that and you should be good to go.

Amy: Huh… I think I’ll do that right now
Alright done, but now it's making this clinking noise against the glass.

Jim: Joy.

Amy: Yeah well I’ll deal with this tomorrow, talk to you later Jim.

Jim: Yeah, night Amy.

Amy: *sigh* This is gonna be a long night.

*End Transmission*

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